Monday, February 8, 2010

One Year

As today comes to a close, it's been uneventful. One year ago today, the witch bit the dust. Now that the first year is over, it seems time to get on with life. Not to worry about the first this or the first that any more.

Peace to all of us.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


But, I guess it will be OK.

Next Monday is the 1 year anniversary of evil JB's death. When I got the call that she had died, I was sitting in line to get stuck to give blood after registering.

I was going to celebrate by doing something positive, giving blood that day. And then I was going to have champagne later that night.

But, I am sick. Possibly pneumonia. I am on antibiotics. That means that I cannot give blood on Monday and given some of the drugs I am taking, I should stay away from the alcohol as well.

Well, good intentions......