Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Calm After the (snow)storm

I blogged yesterday about how it was nice that hubbie was not calling evil JB every couple hours to see how she is making out in the winter storm.

This is the first snow storm since she died.

Something else that I noticed today.

It used to be that as soon as it started snowing, hubbie was trying to shovel out. I thought it some kind of cabin fever. Digging out was never any big deal to me. I am perfectly satisfied to stay put until the roads are safe.

This time, it was almost 36 hours in before he did anything until almost 48 hours into the event. And he just did a little knocking snow around. He was not trying to dig out of the neighborhood.

Makes me think.... In the past was he trying to make sure he could get out to get to his Mama in the past?

Whatever it is, hubbie is definitely more relaxed now than he has been in any past snow storm.

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